About Our Class Assignments

                 Copy of Ramayana in Persian by Hafiz Issadeen. Web Source: Flickr
      After reading about the setup and the assignments of this class, I am super excited for the semester to start. Our assignments seem like they are meant to engage everybody in each other's work and to facilitate discussion and I think that will foster a great dynamic within the class. Unlike any other class that I have taken before, I think my favorite part of the class will be the fact that we can work ahead and at our own pace as long as we meet the given deadlines. This will allow me to spend extra time on the things that I am having a little bit of trouble with and move on from something that I have down. I love the fact that I will be able to sit down and allot an amount of time to just go through the assignments and keep on moving after I finish one after the other. I think that doing the assignments of this class will feel more like fun, rather than a burden. 

      One of the extra credit options that I think would be fun for me is the Wikipedia Trails assignment because I love to do research and I love to learn way too much about things that may not be directly relevant to my own field of study. I also think that I will love to do the Famous Last Words assignment because a blog is just like a journal and as the semester moves on so quickly, I may forget to take note of my progress (or lack thereof) and I want to be able to document my life for myself and monitor my growth. I also love how it will be a great way for my classmates to get to know me more and learn about my life at OU and I look forward to learning about others'. Although I'm sure that we will learn how to do the extra credit assignments over the next weeks, I'm curious to know how the extra credit will be graded and what the expectations are in terms of how many blog comments we are required to make, storytelling requirements, etc. I think that this class will be one of the highlights of the semester and I'm really excited to start reading the assigned epics! 


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