Tech Tip: Canvas Calendar
This is what my monthly planner looks like. At the beginning of the semester, I went and wrote down the events that showed up on my Canvas calendar onto this one.
(Source: Screenshot from my iPad, August 2018)
I am SO blessed to have an iPad so I use it for almost all of my schoolwork, as well as a personal planner. I like to download templates off of the internet and import them onto an app called Goodnotes and create a paperless planner. I love the flexibility of this because having a paper planner would mean one more thing for me to carry around in my bag and this planner is very easy for me to change stuff that I wrote and import other files in that have to do with planning my semester like the syllabi from all of my classes. If I did not have my iPad, I would definitely just print the same templates out (monthly calendars and weekly planning pages to write down M-F obligations and due dates) and stick them in a binder and folder to always have them with me. The actual act of writing down the events is very important to me because I am less likely to forget that they will happen and there is nothing more satisfying that erasing a deadline from my calendar when I get done early. The downsides of my method of planning vs. Google calendar is that I can't collaborate with others and I can't directly set up reminders for each event, but that is okay because enough people in my life do not use Google calendars for me to collaborate with them and I just set reminders for important dates on my iPhone Reminders app!
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