Tech Tip: Diigo

Image result for diigo
Some of the websites that you might use Diigo on!
(Source: Diigo)

Although I have already wrote about my discovery of Diigo in an older blog post, I have to come back and share how this tech tip has changed my life! For those who don't know, Diigo is an internet browser extension that allows to create and organize bookmarks and annotations that you have made on your internet browser. As someone that has to write a lot of research papers and often multiple papers at a time, this has been a lifesaver. When researching, you are on a journey of discovery, constantly adjusting your destination as you go. If you always start off with the same thesis as you started with, you may be doing something wrong in your research! I always adjust my reasons, claims, and warrants as my research develops according to the information that I find by reading through hundreds of different sources and it has always been so hard to keep track of which ones I will truly need at the end. Before Diigo, I used to open up a word document and there would usually be 20-40 links on there, leading to different websites, and then a couple of sentences to remind myself of why  I saved that link. This was super inefficient because if I was going to refer back to a source, I would have to skim through the whole entire thing again to see which certain parts were important to me. Also, my laptop does not have a lot of free disk space so saving all of those articles onto my computer, especially when I wouldn't use 90% of the articles for my final draft, was not feasible. Now with Diigo, I can save the link, tag it according to whichever project I'm working on, and on the website of the source, I could annotate the sentences which were useful to me and they would be saved for me on the site the next time I returned to it.

If you are someone that does a lot of research, please check out Diigo or something ilke it!


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