Tech Tip: Favicon

Indian Flag Favicon
This is the favicon that I uploaded to my Blogger site.

I just learned how to customize my blogger favicon and it was so much easier than I had expected it to be! I wanted an Indian flag as my favicon so I just googled "India flag favicon" and found this site and then downloaded the favicon. When I go to the Layout section where you upload the favicon, it says that this favicon is uploaded onto my settings, but I have yet to see this favicon show up in teh tab when I open my blog site. Hopefully, there is just a delay in the updating process, but I will check back soon and see if it is working or else I will try to upload another one. I am also taking Laura's other course calle Myth and Folklore and I would really like to make my favicon for that page a little graphic of the Earth. I think that I might actually draw that one myself on an iPad app called Procreate.


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