Reading Notes, More Jataka Tales: The Three Fish
Thoughtful, Very-Thoughtful, and Thoughtless.
(Source: Tambako the Jaguar via Flickr)
One day they came to a part of the river near a town and Very-Thoughtful knew that this river was known for its dangerous fisherman that always captured fish. He told the other fish and suggested going back to the wild but they were so lazy that they procrastinated going back. One day Thoughtful and Thoughtless went swimming ahead of Very-Thoughtful and accidentally got caught in a fisherman’s net. Very-Thoughtful saw this happen and said "I have to save them." He started to splash all around the net so the fishermen would assume that fish were breaking free from their trap, which they did. The fishermen pulled the net up on one side and Thoughtful and Thoughtless were able to escape. "You saved our lives!" they said to Very-Thoughtful and swam back far away from that part of the river.
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